I can’t sleep.....thinking so much about my family and friends who have braved Frankenstorm Sandy. (that was my favorite term discovered while we were diligently following what was happening on our side of the pond)
Several thoughts have been swimming through my mind all day.....
“Jesus PLEASE keep my loved ones safe”
“Wow, that crane is dangling over A LOT of heads right now”
Just to name a few.....
People have lost SO MUCH in the past couple of days....whole houses have been washed away, lively hoods dashed to bits. I can’t even begin to wrap my brain around the amount of suffering that is going on right now and what life is going to look like for people a week, a month, a year from now.
But here is the deal you guys.....the only way forward is to turn our eyes on Jesus. We cannot rely on our efforts and our plans. Who knows when they will be washed away. Do we plan for the future? Yes, as best we can, but we hold onto it with an open hand. Our times are in the hands of a merciful, just, holy, righteous God.
If you don’t know Jesus Christ, I urge you, fall on your face before Him! Cry out to Him! Open your heart and your pain and your doubts to Him. Lay it all out and see if He won’t prove Himself to you to be faithful, just and true! He has to me....on several occasions.
I have been angry, I have been cruel, I have doubted, I have sought vengeance,
YET CHRIST HAS NEVER ONCE TURNED HIS BACK ON ME!!!!!!!!!!! How can I turn mine on Him?