Friday, November 14, 2014

mustard seed faith

 Some days the road ahead seems impossibly rocky and  the terrain dangerous.  The “Why” and the “Wherefore” of the calling seems fuzzy in light of simply trying to make it through the day.  When the days come that are consumed with thoughts and prayers like “Jesus HOW are we going to make it to the end of the day with some what of a reputation in tact?”  When in front of you there is not any visible fruit to the painful and extremely difficult ground plowing, when it feels like all you are doing is making bricks with no straw.....what do you do?  

You know those days when the choose to give into defeat seems a bit easier than finding the resolve to stand in faith one more minute? 


The other day my sweet sweet husband was having a hard day.  He was having a hard time seeing the Why and the Wherefore and making what we go through daily line up with the reasons for the calling, despair was weighing heavy on his shoulders......then out of no where his friend shows up at the door with a truck load of wood, beautiful wood to donate to Streetwise.  God knew that Luis needed a friend at that exact moment and WHAMO, there was Charlie with a smile and a truck load of unexpected wood.   It was the boost of faith that he needed in that exact moment.  It didn’t make the issue he was struggling with go away, but it did lighten the load and saved Luis from despair in the moment.  

As Christians we are NEVER promised care free days.   Hard things will come our way...bills will have a hard time getting payed, kids will get sick,  jobs will be lost, cars break down......we are not immune to the trials and struggles in this life.  

But lets take hope from the fact that when we are weak, Jesus WILL BE STRONG!!!  When the temptation to despair and quit becomes to overwhelming, Jesus WILL NOT FORSAKE YOU!!  HE WILL SEND HELP!!!!!  When our faith doesn’t go beyond “Jesus, I need the strength lift my foot right now”, God meets us!!!!  

Be encouraged friends!!!  If your faith seems to small and weak, don’t give up!!!!  All you need is faith the size of a mustard seed anyway. 

All God is asking is the willingness to be willing....He will handle the rest!  

meet John

Meet John.  We don't know much about John other than he was a child living on the streets of Lusaka.    John represents the face of cou...