Thursday, September 5, 2013

my mattress miracle

Ok, least you all think that I have become a crazy person and have now started praying over what pair of socks to wear every day, let me give background before telling you my miracle. 

In the last post I told you all that I have been in a hard mental place for a few months.  Discouraged and frustrated.....lots of “God what I am DOING here??”  You get the picture....

A couple of weeks ago I was doing one of my weekly purges (I routinely throw crud away in one room of my house a week to prevent being run over by broken crayons and teddy bears with no arms) and noticed that the kids mattresses were in a sad state and that it would behoove us to get new ones 

(did you like the use of the word BEHOOVE?)  

However, where does one get the extra cash to buy three mattresses on the fly like that?  So I sent a quick prayer up and forgot about it. 


A couple of days ago I got a phone call from some friends who have just recently bought four new twin sized mattresses.  They have to leave the country and they wanted to know if we would like in HERE TAKE FOUR BRAND SPANKING NEW MATTRESSES FREE OF CHARGE CAUSE WE WANNA BLESS YOU!!!  But Myranda, you say, you only have three kids....on outreach nights Joe stays the night with us and we have needed a spot for him to sleep!!!!!!!  HENCE FOUR BRAND NEW MATTRESSES.


Often we are put in a place of self evaluation..asking ourselves “God what are we DOING!? Is this your will??  Are we heading in the right direction or are we spinning our wheels?  LORD THIS IS JUST PLAIN INSANITY!!!” 

Here is what God dropped into my heart.... “Duh Girl (I added the DUH part)  If I didn’t want you in Zambia doing what you are doing would I have just handed you brand new mattresses for sleeping?”  To which I responded "Good point Lord!  You sure are wise!"  

God will always confirm his will to us.  He will always give us what we need to keep going.  We just have to keep our ears tuned into what he is saying.  

It might not be the writing on the wall, but hey, my kids get to sleep comfortable tonight!  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

let there be light

( Maybe this was just for me....maybe someone needs to read this....I dunno I was just so excited about it that I had to share!!! )

God has been speaking to me about light and I want to do my clumsiest best to share with you what has given me reason to weep with joy at the goodness of God.  Just this morning I sat at the kitchen table and laid my head down with the shear weight of the goodness of God’s loving mercy.   All I could say was HALLELUJAH!

Since April I have been in one of the biggest mind battles I have ever experienced to date as a believer.  There have been some very dark days.  Days of “GOD WHERE DID YOU GO!?”  Days of not being able to open my bible because the words would just swim in front of my eyes and make no sense to me.  I share this is because I know many of you all have been in the same place recently.  Wading through the darkness of your own thoughts and trusting God for the strength to get your teeth brushed.  Those are hard days.  

God spoke: “Light!”
        And light appeared. Genesis 1:3

The first thing God created was light....why?  Because he needed to see what he was dealing with!  Once the situation was laid bare and open things got dealt with, beauty and order came.  It is the same for us today folks!  God spoke LIGHT into our hearts and minds and WHAMO, it appeared;  illuminating all that is in need of the care and love of Jesus Christ.  

he spoke and there it was,
    in place the moment he said so. Psalm 33:9

I wish I could reach through the screen and make you look me in the eye now.....GOD SPOKE AND THERE IT WAS!  BOOM!  Right there!  When all is swirling around you and life is taking a chunk out of your hindquarters, remember this....


For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

meet John

Meet John.  We don't know much about John other than he was a child living on the streets of Lusaka.    John represents the face of cou...